K-Kids Club
K-Kids is a student-led community service organization that provides members with opportunities to perform service, build character, and develop leadership. The club meets monthly and participates in school and community service projects throughout the year.
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not"
Dr. Suess' The Lorax
Thank you to all our Lacoste K-Kids, past and present. You are a true inspiration to our school, our community, and our future.
The K-Kids Moderators are Ms. Powers, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Buras
Our Kiwanis Sponsor is Mr. Michael Chutz.
Thank you Mr. Chutz, without you none of our great work would be possible.
Lacoste K-Kids have organized and participated in a variety of service projects, such as Jeans for Troops, St. Bernard Parish Veterans Day parade, Macy's Make -A-Wish letters to Santa campaign, collection and distribution of food boxes for needy families during the holidays, National Autism and Down Syndrome Awareness month, Lemonade Day and more.
Contact info:
Ms. Powers: Shana.Powers@sbpsb.org