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Dress Code


 The St. Bernard Parish School System has adopted a parish wide mandated school uniform policy for all students.  All children are required to wear uniforms as outlined below.  For further information refer to St. Bernard Parish Student Dress and Appearance Guidelines located in the Guide to Student Conduct. 


The St. Bernard Parish School Board requires that all students adhere to its adopted school uniform.  This uniform was adopted on February 17, 1998, following the recommendations of a committee comprised of teachers, administrators, and parent representatives from each school. 

            Uniform Pants/Skirts            Shirts                          Alternate Shirts

 Boys:  Khaki colored                        White oxford  White or red collared

            or navy pants or                    or uniform                  polo/golf  (red shirts

            dress shorts                           broadcloth                   must have the school logo)


Girls:  Khaki colored                        White oxford  White or school color collared

            or navy pants, skirts        or uniform                      polo/golf  (red shirts

            dress shorts or                    broadcloth                    must have the school logo)


*** Any style Khaki or Navy colored is allowed as long as it is uniform pants***

 All grade levels’ uniforms include the following:

  • Sweatshirts (that are solid white or the authorized red school sweatshirt with our school logo may be worn in class)
  • Hooded sweatshirts and jackets may be worn to and from school, hoods are not allowed on students’ heads while in the school building. The entire hooded jacket must be removed while in class. Hoods will be allowed outside during cold weather.
  • Uniform sweaters that are authorized school color or white V-neck, vest, crew or cardigan styles may be worn in class.

Tennis shoes are preferred for everyday wear.   Tennis shoes are required on P.E. days.  It is strongly suggested that students wear laced or Velcro-strapped tennis shoes to school every day.  Boots, Heelys, Croc-type shoes, Light-up shoes, Flip-flops or other backless shoes cannot be worn in school.  

Belts: Belts are required with clothing that has belt loops. Belts must be the appropriate size. Solid black, white, navy, khaki, or brown belts are the only colors allowed. 

Socks: White, solid dark color, or school color socks must be worn above the ankle.       

Stockings: White, navy, black, or flesh colored stockings are allowed (No Prints). 

Hair: All students must have appropriate haircuts.  No extreme hair cuts will be permitted. No shaved designs. Frosted, bleached, or colored hair is considered to be extreme. Boys’ hair must not extend lower than the top of the shirt collar.  Appropriateness will be determined by the school principal. 

Fingernails: Artificial fingernails cannot be worn.